2021 Honda Outstanding Student Paper Award

Our work on driver visual attention before and after take-over requests in automated driving was awarded at the 2021 Driving Assessment Conference

Our work (sponsored by the L3Pilot project) was awarded with the 2021 Honda Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2021 Driving Assessment Conference. The abstract and the presentation was about driver visual attention before and after a take-over request in automated driving. The data was collected in real traffic on highways in Gothenburg using the Wizard-of-Oz approach to simulate the automated driving feature. We (me and my supervisors) are very happy for the award!

Below is the interview about the award with me made by Chalmer’s communications office.

Linda Pipkorn
Linda Pipkorn
PhD Student in Human factors of Automated Driving

My research interests include automated driving, Wizard-of-oz experiments, and data analytics and visualization.
