Linda Pipkorn

Linda Pipkorn

PhD Student in Human factors of Automated Driving

Chalmers University of Technology


Linda Pipkorn is a PhD student with a focus on human factors of automated driving. Her aim is to understand human performance limits when driving with semi-automated vehicles. Linda uses data collected in Wizard-of-oz experiments to analyze drivers' response process in critical and uncritical scenarios. She is passionate about combining data analytics, statistics, and cognitive psychology to understand human performance.

  • Human factors of Automated Driving
  • Data Analytics & Visualization
  • Licentiate of Engineering Human factors of Automated Driving, 2020

    Chalmers University of Technology

  • Master of Science in Applied Mechanics, 2018

    Chalmers University of Technology (exchange year at Waterloo University, Canada)

  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 2014

    Chalmers University of Technology

Recent Publications

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(2021). Driver conflict response during supervised automation: Do hands on wheel matter?. In TRF.

Cite DOI

(2021). Automation Aftereffects: The Influence of Automation Duration, Test Track and Timings. IEEE ITS.

Cite DOI

Recent Posts

2021 Honda Outstanding Student Paper Award
Our work (sponsored by the L3Pilot project) was awarded with the 2021 Honda Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2021 Driving Assessment Conference.
